Thursday, December 10, 2015

VB.NET - Search Datagridview and Select Cell

The following function will search for a string in a datagridview and then select the cell with the found string. Continuing to call this function on a button click will cycle through the search moving to the next found string until the end of the grid is reached.

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Looks for the passed in string in the grid starting search in current cell. The search moves down current
    ''' column, then moves to the top of the next one and continues search down. Continues to search until reaching
    ''' the end of the grid or until the string is found. When the search string is found, the cell containing the
    ''' string is selected and searching stops.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="astrSearchString"></param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub FindNextStringInGrid(ByVal astrSearchString As String)

        Dim bolResultFound As Boolean = False 'flag to see if something was found

            'make sure the grid has records to move through
            If dgvResults.Rows.Count > 0 Then

                'make sure search string is not blank
                If astrSearchString.Trim <> "" Then

                    'get row and column indexes of current cell
                    Dim intColCurrentIndex As Integer = dgvResults.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
                    Dim intRowCurrentIndex As Integer = dgvResults.CurrentCell.RowIndex

                    'loop through the columns
                    For Each col In dgvResults.Columns

                        'only search columns that contain or are to the right of selected cell
                        If dgvResults.Columns.IndexOf(col) < intColCurrentIndex Then
                            'do not search this column
                        ElseIf dgvResults.Columns.IndexOf(col) = intColCurrentIndex Then

                            'only search from selected cell down
                            For Each row In dgvResults.Rows
                                If dgvResults.Rows.IndexOf(row) > intRowCurrentIndex Then
                                    If row.Cells(dgvResults.Columns.IndexOf(col)).Value.ToString.ToLower.Contains(astrSearchString.Trim.ToLower) Then
                                        'select cell when string is found
                                        dgvResults.CurrentCell = dgvResults.Rows(dgvResults.Rows.IndexOf(row)).Cells(dgvResults.Columns.IndexOf(col))
                                        bolResultFound = True
                                        'if a result was found then no longer need to continue looping through rows
                                        Exit For
                                    End If
                                End If

                        ElseIf dgvResults.Columns.IndexOf(col) > intColCurrentIndex Then

                            'search entire column
                            For Each row In dgvResults.Rows
                                If row.Cells(dgvResults.Columns.IndexOf(col)).Value.ToString.ToLower.Contains(astrSearchString.Trim.ToLower) Then
                                    'select cell when string is found
                                    dgvResults.CurrentCell = dgvResults.Rows(dgvResults.Rows.IndexOf(row)).Cells(dgvResults.Columns.IndexOf(col))
                                    bolResultFound = True
                                    'if a result was found then no longer need to continue looping through rows
                                    Exit For
                                End If
                        End If

                        'if a result was found then no longer need to continue looping through columns
                        If bolResultFound = True Then
                            Exit For
                        End If

                    If bolResultFound = False Then
                        MessageBox.Show("Finished searching end of results.", cAppTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                    End If
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter search text.", cAppTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                End If
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw ex
        End Try
    End Sub

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